Our Solutions / Training Programmes / Open Learning

Our trainings, which are open to general participation, are determined and presented by our team of expert trainers and speakers in line with the most preferred trainings periodically, in line with the needs that may differ individually or within the institution.
Our trainings are given on online platforms or face to face within the framework of Andragogy principles. By focusing on applications, education is ensured to be interactive and the learning experience is reinforced.
For face-to-face training, the hall and organization costs are covered by us. Training materials are provided by us and delivered to the participants.
After registration for online training, your zoom link will be sent to your e-mail address. Training documents that can be sent via e-mail are sent to the participants' e-mail addresses, and other materials are sent to the participants' addresses by courier. Courier expenses are covered by TEM Management Development.
Participants' telephone, e-mail, etc. Personal information is protected by us on a confidential basis.
Video and visual recording by the participant in online training is strictly prohibited, in accordance with the copyright of our products and services and KVKK.
Your registrations will be taken by Özlem Atacan or Arzu Özten on 0 216 369 13 16.
If the quota for 12 people in face-to-face training and 8 people in online training is not completed, the training may be canceled for that date or postponed to a different date. TEM Management Development has the right to cancel or postpone the training depending on the number of quotas.
The participant may cancel participation for any reason after deciding on the training.
If cancellations made 7 days before the first implementation day of the program are notified to us via e-mail or phone, 70% of the program fee will be refunded to the participant.
Since the programs are opened according to quota, there will be no refund for cancellations made 6 or less days before the first application day.
No refund will be made for cancellations made during the program or if the participant attends any module but does not attend the others.